Blog Articles

Computer science being above all based on knowledge sharing, I decided to write one article per week to share with you a new language I have heard about, a technology I have seen in action, or just a simple advice to help you in your future projects. All these articles are intended to help you broaden your computer culture, which I believe is what makes it possible to recognize a true enthusiast of a simple developer.

However, I will not limit myself to purely practical articles. I will truly present to you all the facets of this field, both the innovations of the coming years, but also the standards that have enabled IT to become established in our world.


Why Learn the Python Language ?

Why Learn the Python Language ?

Today, there are several thousand different computer languages. Whether you want to automate tasks on your computer, or develop a revolutionary application, you will inevitably find a language adapted to your needs.

Yet, despite this impressive list, many developers can feel lost, unable to make a choice. Such language is more powerful, such language is easier to handle, such language allows to manage a database, …

And without finding a compromise, they end up not learning anything, and not increasing their skills and experience.

Read "Why Learn the Python Language ?"

Dare to Retrain in Computing

Dare to Retrain in Computing

Career transition is a question that everyone has asked themselves during their career. If you don't enjoy getting up in the morning anymore, and you're counting the days until your next weekend, it's time to think about it seriously !

But how can you be sure that this decision is the right one ? Which job will bring you daily fulfillment ? And above all, how can you make this conversion a reality, if you don't know where to start ?

Read "Dare to Retrain in Computing"

Optimize your Applications with Multithreading

Optimize your Applications with Multithreading

An application developed with a programming language is a sequence of instructions, executing one after the other. However, such an operation has a major disadvantage, which is the dependence of each instruction on the previous instructions. As a result, the slightest slowdown in one of these operations may impact your entire application.

To avoid this, there is a technique called multithreading, which allows you to execute different instructions in parallel, thus increasing efficiency.

Read "Optimize your Applications with Multithreading"

Discover the Model-View-Controller Architecture

Discover the Model-View-Controller Architecture

When you start a new project, one of the first steps is to determine the architecture of your application. This defines how the different files in your project will communicate with each other, from the user request to the generation of an HTML page. There are indeed several methods to design the same site, and it is therefore important to think about it properly before starting a project.

The MVC architecture is one of them, and offers many advantages in terms of development time and source code maintenance.

Read "Discover the Model-View-Controller Architecture"

Mastering the Terminal

Mastering the Terminal

Although not well known to the general public, the terminal is an essential element in the proper functioning of any operating system. Behind these lines, incomprehensible to most people, lies the precise operation of each action that your computer will be required to perform. From the simple creation of a file to the compilation of source code, the terminal hides many unsuspected resources.

But what can you really do with a terminal ?

Read "Mastering the Terminal"

Create Dynamic Forms with AJAX

Create Dynamic Forms with AJAX

While browsing the web, you may have already seen a form to fill out. They allow you to enter information, then redirect you to a page that stores it in a database. But there is now a method to simplify this operation, and thus avoid any page change.

This is AJAX, and its use has increased tenfold in recent years.

Read "Create Dynamic Forms with AJAX"

Effectively Center in CSS with Flexbox

Effectively Center in CSS with Flexbox

Since the advent of CSS, centering an element has always been a problem for many developers. Many techniques were developed, but none of them allowed for reliable horizontal and vertical centering. Fortunately, the flexbox property greatly simplifies the task, allowing us to have an optimal rendering in a few lines.

Discover this incredible property right away.

Read "Effectively Center in CSS with Flexbox"

Hello World from Pythony

Hello World from Pythony

When starting a new programming language, the tradition is to start with a program that displays the message "Hello World !" on the screen. And it is also with this message that I wanted to start my first article on this blog. During my life, I have had the opportunity to work on many projects, and this site is one of them. For many years, I have dreamed of being able to live off my passion, and I am about to do so.

But is this dream achievable, or is it just an illusion ?

Read "Hello World from Pythony"